Devlog 24.26

It has been 14 weeks since my last devlog. I usually try to organize updates in reverse chronological order but it has been 3 months and I'm tired.

  • In March, I finished the essential code to visualize the Planetary View and started working on surface generation. I completed essential procedures for determining elevation, temperature, humidity, and so forth as well as basic visualization. There's a bug which I believe is based on the vertex-based rendering. I believe it will be resolved when I implement surface textures.
  • In April, I encountered a roadblock in changing between Planetary and Sector views, in that star system data & planetary rendering weren't updating. I had already accomplished my goals with the Planetary view, so I flagged the bugs and merged the branch. I expanded the event system and got the "Inventory" screen working across multiple scenes. I sorted out layer "priority" in processing events.
  • In May, I began implementation of the Faction system. I finished the essential data classes for Factions, Members, Relationships, and so forth, then began implementation of the Mission system. I designed a procedure for generating scenarios as consequences of character actions and implemented a simple round-robin procedure for resolving faction turns. I also wrote a simple version of the AI for selecting faction & character actions using GOAP.
  • In the first weeks of June, I finished the procedure for resolving faction turns. I've spent the last two weeks fleshing out faction turns. I have designs for encounter and dungeon generation that I plan to work on once I'm satisfied with the faction framework. There is a larger narrative generation system I've designed to integrate factions, dungeons, and encounters but I probably won't get to that for a couple months.

Pictured below is a sample of mid-ocean ridge generation:

Pictured below is basic surface generation (along with the rendering bug):

There are currently no visuals for factions but I have designs for a "conspiracy board"-style screen for visualizing faction relationships.

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